Wednesday, January 28, 2009

i wasn't good enough

this is sort of a poem..but...i dont know if it can really be called a we'll just say its a summery of my life

I got cut from my 6th grade basketball team
and i know why...

I wasn't good enough

Basketball was my whole life.
i played for hours after school..
it was who i was
it was who my friends were.
THEN i got cut my junior year of high school.
my friends made the team
the kids didn't spend HALF as much time in the gym as i did made the team.
and still...

I wasn't good enough

i went to the gym almost religiously after that
everyday after school...4-6
500 shots a day...sprints...weight room
senior year came...
i made the team.
i rode the bench...never a starter
quietly thankful because i knew...

I wasn't good enough

College came....
the hardest week of tryouts in my life came
and, of course, a sprained ankle came.
at the end of the week...i read the list of names 8 times
dejected and injured...i limped off the court

i wasn't good enough

2 years later....i transfer to a small division 2 college
i can't make varsity..but i play jv
i finally realize that i hate basketball
and, yet, i'm still playing
i've been cut 5 times in 11 years and i'm only 21
what does this tell me?

I'm still not good enough

Monday, January 12, 2009


im officially addicted to this