Saturday, April 10, 2010

Have you ever been...

stuck in a relationship where she seems perfect...but in the back of your know it's not going to happen. I mean, too perfect to break up with because you really have no reason to. However, it's going no where....yeah..fuck me

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

toy/miniature husky

toy/miniature huskies the best dogs ever.

life is beautiful

life is beautiful

that has been my facebook status for the past 2 weeks, IS beautiful. i don't know if God just really likes me or what, but so many amazing things have been coming into my life recently.
-I have 2 jobs that i really enjoy. well, 1 that i really enjoy and 1 that i don't hate.
-I ran my own basketball camp 2 weeks ago for 6th-12th graders at a small school in northern michigan
-I'm working another basketball camp in orchard lakes michigan next week.
-I just got asked to speak at a conference in orlando in december about a trip to haiti that i took when i was 15. 500 people from around the world come to this conference annually.

The crazy thing about all this is that it all sort of just landed in my lap.

tougher times are still yet to come..but for is beautiful

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

i wasn't good enough

this is sort of a poem..but...i dont know if it can really be called a we'll just say its a summery of my life

I got cut from my 6th grade basketball team
and i know why...

I wasn't good enough

Basketball was my whole life.
i played for hours after school..
it was who i was
it was who my friends were.
THEN i got cut my junior year of high school.
my friends made the team
the kids didn't spend HALF as much time in the gym as i did made the team.
and still...

I wasn't good enough

i went to the gym almost religiously after that
everyday after school...4-6
500 shots a day...sprints...weight room
senior year came...
i made the team.
i rode the bench...never a starter
quietly thankful because i knew...

I wasn't good enough

College came....
the hardest week of tryouts in my life came
and, of course, a sprained ankle came.
at the end of the week...i read the list of names 8 times
dejected and injured...i limped off the court

i wasn't good enough

2 years later....i transfer to a small division 2 college
i can't make varsity..but i play jv
i finally realize that i hate basketball
and, yet, i'm still playing
i've been cut 5 times in 11 years and i'm only 21
what does this tell me?

I'm still not good enough

Monday, January 12, 2009


im officially addicted to this

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


i would be completely fine not getting any presents for christmas if i didnt have to get anything for anyone else...

'chbb' by speechwriters llc the best song ive ever heard with the word 'bitch' in it

Monday, December 22, 2008

Jake and Amir

i downloaded one of their podcasts when i was bored the other day..and ended up downloading and watching every single podcast they've ever made..yeah i have no life...BUT..they're hilarious